
The importance of teaching children about acceptance

Do you remember that feeling of love the moment you first saw your child?
Many parents feel an overwhelming love for their children from the moment they’re born and can’t imagine life without them.
You love your child so much it’s impossible to see how the rest of the world doesn’t see what you see. Your child brings so much joy into your life.
They can make you laugh and smile. Your heart is almost about to burst with joy because of them just being who they are.
Then you realise they must leave the nest at some stage, and you won’t be with them every step of the way.
While you want them to grow up and start their journey of independence, you know that children can be cruel and hope that your child is not on the receiving end of nastiness. Or the giving end.…
You fear your child will get bullied. Or worse, become a bully.
You know your child feels comfortable in being themselves in your presence. They know they are loved, no matter what. They feel safe and secure at home and you want that feeling to go with them when they walk out the door and engage with the rest of the world.
So how do we this?

Here are 3 ways:

1. Build their character traits
As you raise each child you must share information about character traits from an early age.
Not only does it provide your child with a language to help them understand what behaviour they want to display and have reciprocated, this then enables them to feel confident in who they are and who they want to be. This helps your child ‘use their words’ when they have a greater understanding of character traits and what they want from others as well as themselves.
Your child will find like-minded friends who display behaviour according to their values. It is imperative to instil these values so that they know what to look for and avoid when they are not in your presence.
2. Teach them the power of their surrounding influences
When you are not around to guide or encourage your child, you want them to make decisions that serve them. Friends have massive influence over each other, therefore it is invaluable to help your child know what they want from a friendship as well as learn how to be a good friend.
Your child will not receive or feel, accepted by the whole world. Or everyone in their class. Enable your child to feel that acceptance within themselves, and regardless of what happens or who they are around they feel an inner acceptance, and love, teach your child to love themselves for who they are and who they wish to become.
3. Show them how to accept things the way they are
Throughout life, there are many people and situations that we need to accept.
Understanding that we are all different and have different gifts to offer the world is an easier attitude to have, than one of trying to change unchangeable situations or people.
This doesn’t mean we can’t strive for better, but acceptance is the first thing in making change happen.
I’ve heard people say ‘but this is me’ while attempting to explain their negative behaviour. That’s OK. However, I wonder if they are aware that who they are today is not who they are for life. Change is a constant in life and that includes us.
We all grow and change constantly. We all make decisions that are good for us and some not-so-good. We learn from everything. That’s where wisdom lies.
Are you wanting to better help your child grow in their awareness and acceptance of themselves, of others and various situations so that they can make decisions on what they could do next to make their life more wonderful? As well as the world…
If you haven’t already, join my private FB group ‘Raising Kids With Integrity’ where I share a word each week that I encourage you to share with your child which will help them gain a better awareness of their thoughts, feelings and goals.
I also share how to have healthy conversation with your child to build these character traits in them with ease.
Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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