
Makes a Difference

Caring makes a difference in everyone’s life. Whether you care for a person, animal, environment or concept, showing that you care can make a massive difference.

There are times when people become passionate about a purpose. Caring can make a massive difference when this happens. People are happier when they have a mission that they are passionate about.

As a parent, we want our babies to become caring adults. The foundation starts by encouraging them to be caring from an early age.

If they have siblings, they learn to care for and love them. Children learn other character traits as they show how they care for others. If they become a big brother or sister, they show they care for their younger sibling by gently touching them and being careful of their actions when they are close by.

If they have older brothers and sisters, they show they care differently by playing, rumbling, tumbling, hanging around them, and numerous other personal unique ways. After all, we are all different.

Caring makes a difference

Here are three (3) ways you could encourage your child to be caring:

1 – Toys & things – encouraging your child to share teaches them thoughtfulness and consideration in addition to caring

2 – Environment – children can show respect for their environment by putting their toys away, hanging up towels after their bath, and taking their cups and dishes to the sink after dinner or after having a snack (encourage this when they are young, as you may find it difficult to enforce in their teenage years, teach them boundaries while they are young). Warning: as always – you are their role model

3 – Themselves – talk to them about caring for themselves too. Bathing, cleaning their teeth, brushing their hair, keeping their room clean, establishing boundaries with people such as not touching them in personal areas of their body, befriending someone who only likes them if they do want they want them to do. Educate your child on who and what serves them. Teach them to think for themselves, think about which people are treating them well or not, and guide them to consider whether people have a positive or negative impact on their life. When children recognise this, they also learn respect for themselves and set boundaries around who is not treating them with respect. Let them know if they look after themselves first, this enables them to then care for others.

When children learn to care for others, their environment and themselves and what these things entail, it serves as a starting point for a discussion on empathy, responsibility and the importance of caring in various aspects of their life.

There is a lot of bullying in school yards. You want to help your child be aware of positive character traits within themselves so they feel good about themselves and know that it is essential to care for themselves first.

You want your child to recognise when so-called friends are hurting their life. You want your child to avoid people who will not treat them with respect. You want your child to feel good about themselves and be around like-minded people who have their best interests at heart.

Establishing ethical foundations in your child is founded in their foundational years. Care for your child by teaching them to care.1

Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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