Character of the Week

Caring is sharing

3-9 August 2020

Caring is sharing

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Why caring is important

When you care for someone else you unknowingly care for yourself too. When you care for someone outside yourself you feel good about what you’ve done for someone else, and that makes you feel good about you. So caring is sharing because it easily includes what’s outside of yourself, plus what’s inside.

An example of caring is When you consider what someone or something else needs. When you care about something you take action, regardless of whether it’s a person, a goal or a vision you have.

It is said that when you feel down you should care for others. The wisdom in this is that it opens you up to a few options. You discover you’re not alone. Or, you discover that your issues are not as bad as others. Alternatively, you feel good about doing good in general and that makes you feel good inside. Try it out.

Is caring and loving the same thing?

Carling and loving are two different things. The best way I can think to explain it is that love is a feeling thing and caring is a doing thing, yet they both interrelate to some degree.

You can love a baby but care for the baby. You can care about the state of the world but you don’t love the state of the world.

Take an idea, for example, you may have an idea which you are passionate about, it could be a solution to a problem, this is something you care about but don’t love. This could be a short term goal, like becoming fitter, or a longer-term goal like travelling for six months of the year.

What is the opposite of caring?

The opposite of caring is being uncaring which is sort of like an indifference. It’s more like being a bit self-absorbed and selfish.

When you don’t care about anything you feel down and out. This can lead to a negative downward spiral which can result in negative behaviour, including taking your bad feelings out on others, as well as yourself.

When caring become controlling

Caring can become controlling when it’s portrayed as caring but it’s not. Caring is a sign of love and degrading someone in any way is not a sign of love or caring.

It’s a sign of control. That’s it. People don’t degrade people that they care for. By degrading I mean to put them down intentionally, and frequently. Caring is sharing doesn’t mean sharing unkind words or actions.

Anyone who attempts to diminish someone else’s light displays their lack of light. It reflects on the person who is doing the diminishing, not the person whose light someone is trying to diminish. People who are happy in themselves don’t go around criticising others.

Caring what others think

Another way to care for yourself is to live according to your sense of self. You know who you are, and who you want to be.

People worry about what others think of them. If your intention, for anything, is pure then that’s all you need to know to be comfortable living with yourself. You’ll never be able to please everyone. Nobody can.

You can’t please everyone so please yourself – as long as you are not intentionally hurting, or putting anyone else in danger. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others. Remember, caring is sharing!

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1. Teach them to love themselves and care for themselves so that they can look after others once they’ve taken care of themselves.

2. Encourage them to care for someone or something when they feel bored or down – they will learn that it helps them to feel better about themselves and their own lives. Talk to them about their learnings.

3. Speak to them about opinions and beliefs and let them know everyone has them and just because someone says something, including themselves, it doesn’t mean it is true. For example, when someone says something cruel. 


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Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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