Character of the Week

Charity in action

24-30 August 2020

Charity in action

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Why charity is important

When you think about charity in action what do you think of? Charity is important because it involves so much more than giving to organisations and making donations to recognised charities.

Charity is important because it’s giving someone something that they need when they don’t have the means of giving it to themselves. For now.

When some people think of charity they think of people who need help in some way, shape or form. The people who go to certain places and ask for help, support or assistance.

Charity is an attitude

Charity is also an attitude. Being willing to help those less fortunate than you. It’s having an open heart and an open mind. When your heart is open you feel the willingness to help however you can. When your mind is open you don’t judge.

You may have even considered that if certain choices that you made in the past were different, you might have ended up in a similar situation. Charity in action is giving – whether you give clothes, food, shelter, time or money.

You see charity in action all the time, you just don’t think of it as charity. Charitable acts are done by people who serve the community all the time, to the degree that some give their lives such as firefighters, paramedics and so many more.

How charity helps society

When you have an open mind and a caring heart it helps our society progress. Civilisation is all about progress and progress means improvement.

The more caring we are towards one other sure beats knocking each other down. When people are uncharitable they can be cruel, harsh, unkind and inhumane.

Nothing stays the same. There’s always a minimum of two choices to everything in life. You can choose to be helpful and kind. Therefore you have the opportunity to help humanity advance. How are you going to choose to react when you get the opportunity? Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back when you choose to make the world a better place.

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1. Talk to kids about how charity beings at home – being kind to your siblings and sharing their things.

2. Let your children know that sometimes people go through challenging times in life and need help and support from others so it’s important to be kind to those less fortunate than them.

3. Ask your children what they can do to be kind to those in need and is there anyone they think they can be kinder to because they might need some extra support right now.

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Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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