Character of the Week

Compassion – reveals your humanity

10-16 August 2020
Compassion quote

Compassion – reveals your humanity

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Showing compassion reveals your humanity. You feel connected to who or whatever you are feeling compassion for. Somehow your heart is affected, and you feel that you want to do something to relieve a sense of pain in some way. Even though there are times when you feel you can’t, or shouldn’t.

Can compassion be taught

Scientists state that compassion can be taught and that it changes a person’s thinking and actions. Children are influenced by parents who guide them to be gentle, kind and considerate as they grow and develop. It makes sense that children grow up to be compassionate adults when guided by parents.

However, as a non-scientist I wonder about if there’s a point of no return. What about children who weren’t shown compassion as a child? Who had abusive relationships and went onto commit horrific crimes. If compassion can be taught, are we teaching it in our prison systems?

Compassion is a spiritual characteristic we were all born with that grows and develops within us as we mature. What environments inspire compassion and what environments deflect it?

How compassion helps 

Compassion reveals your humanity and shows your understanding, compassionate side. The world is a better place because you are in it.  You are not afraid to show that you care and revealing your compassion to other people and things helps the world advance.

There is a fine line between so many areas in life. Understanding each other, and understanding ourselves is not an easy task, but it’s not impossible.  All of us could have made one, or more, poor choices that may have resulted in negative implications increases our empathy.

The importance of a support group cannot be stressed enough. A caring family, and friends is the best gift you can give yourself. To have a good friend you need to be one.

Have you ever got so caught up in your own daily stresses and avoided people to some degree to discover later that they also were having issues that you could have supported them through? Be the friend your friend needs.

Compassion without actions

Life, and friendship is all about give and take so next time you want to hide yourself away reach out to your friends. Not only will you discover you’re not alone and you’ll provide support and receive it too.

Regret happens when opportunities come to mind when compassion could have been shown but wasn’t. Feeling the compassion without taking action means living with regret. I recall just wanting to hug a stranger when she was distraught but didn’t because I was in a workplace environment.

I wish I had because I suspect she would have appreciated it. I didn’t because not only was I surrounded by others but know I would have ended up crying with her.

Compassion exercise

Here’s a link to a compassion exercise. As the scientists found your thoughts do change, in turn they impact your actions. As you do this compassion exercise, you’ll discover you look at things from a different perspective that you may not have considered previously, and you will feel compassion towards the person you have in mind.

There are many compassion exercises available online so just google away until you find one that resonates with you.

Check out the self-compassion exercises too!

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1. Do the compassion exercise with them, explain how it works and ask what their thoughts are now that they have done it and ask them if it will change how they act towards that person

2. Encourage your child to show compassion towards others.

3. Discuss the importance of selecting good friends who are supportive and encouraging and that it works both ways.


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Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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