Character of the Week

Fairness has no bias

21-27 September 2020

Fairness has no bias

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Fairness has no bias. We all have our likes and dislikes, and that’s OK. Except for when it comes to the way people are treated unjustly. Personal issues are no excuse for treating people unjustly.

Do you know what your bias is? Your likes and dislikes are a giveaway. For example, I like chocolate but don’t like dairy food (yes, I know ‘there’s a glass and a half of full cream milk in every block’ as my brothers constantly remind me).

While we’re all encouraged to have a ‘balanced’ diet. I may not balance my dietary requirements, there is no harm to anyone else. That’s a bias that’s fair because the only person who is affected is me, and it’s not necessarily a harmful action.

Harmful actions
Many harmful actions are displayed when it comes to the way people are treated. Due to COVID-19, we are all placed under the stress of one sort or another. You don’t know whether someone is suffering because of social, financial or some other form of stress.

One way to display fairness is to treat everyone equally. You don’t need to be someone’s best friend. You don’t even need to like everyone. However, it is only fair to treat people equally – with courtesy and respect.

Unfortunately, many people use other people, specifically children, to hurt each other in today’s society. While it might be effective, to some degree, the children are the ones who suffer the most, in the short and long term.

Character building
Fairness is a character quality, like every other one I write about each week and you have it within you to pull out and practice any time you like.

What is interesting is that when you focus on one characteristic a week you are more aware of when you apply it and when you don’t.

You become more self-aware and build your character, according to your own values, dignity and integrity. You’re human, you want to be a better person. Naturally, sometimes you’ll disappoint yourself. That is how you get there. Inch by inch, step by step.

Be mindful of your actions. When you don’t meet the standard you set for yourself, don’t criticise yourself. We’re all here to live and learn. Decide what you’ll do differently next time. Remember to acknowledge yourself when you put your head on your pillow though – it’ll help you sleep better!

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1. Speak to children about likes and dislikes and what ones are personal such as broccoli, beans, watermelon, fruit, vegetables and whether they are harmful to others.

2. Role play about displaying bias towards others. Role play favouritism and talk about how it feels to be on the receiving end of a person who shows their bias.

3. Teach your children to be courteous, kind and respectful of each other and our differences and that we all have personal gifts and qualities and likes and dislikes and that’s OK.



Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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