Character of the Week

Faithfulness – loyalty and values

19-25 October 2020

Faithfulness – loyalty and values

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Faithfulness is about loyalty and values. Many people think about either religion or intimate relationships but it extends beyond that.

Faithfulness is being loyal to your beliefs and values in a wider sense, whatever they may be.

Other words that describe faithfulness are being committed, dedicated, reliable, dependable and trustworthy. Friends come to mind when thinking of these characteristics.

Balanced faithfulness

Cherish your friends and all the relationships you have in your life. Stand by your family and friends when they need you.

But if you are not being respected, by that I mean if you are being abused mentally or physically be clear in setting boundaries about what behaviour you will and won’t tolerate.

It is said that when you practice one virtue you find yourself practising more than one. In the above example, this would be being honest with yourself, being assertive and having the courage to speak up, and having the wisdom to know where the boundary lies.

Faithfulness and friendships

Friends are important. To everyone. There’s a saying that says something like people enter our lives for a reason, season or a lifetime and that we only get disappointed if we try to force relationships beyond their purpose.

We never know how long someone will be in our life and into which category they fall into. It’s disappointing, and it hurts, when you think someone is a lifelong friend and discover that’s not the case.

When life is tough for you, you need your problems to disappear, not your friends. That’s why faithfulness in friendship is important. Be the friend you want your friend to be to you. And hopefully, they will be there for you when you need them.

If there’s something in your life you’d like to change or improve then just click here and book in a time to have a chat. đŸ™‚


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1. Speak to your kids about friendships and that some people will be in their life forever and others will come and go.

2. Discuss boundaries within friendships and how it’s important to always be treated with respect. 

3. Ask if there are any friends who they feel won’t be their friend if they don’t behave how their friends want them to.. Explore this and encourage your child to be assertive, confident and speak up when needed.


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Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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