Character of the Week

Generosity of Spirit

17-23 August 2020

Generosity of Spirit

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There are so many areas in life in which you can be generous. Having generosity of spirit means you’re likely to give in numerous ways.

What’s it mean to have a generous spirit? It’s being willing to share your worldly goods without any expectation of return. Think you can do that?

So many people think they have a generous spirit but how deep does it go? It’s different for everyone.

Challenging times

Everyday life consists of challenging times. Then you add COVID-19. This is a challenging time for people throughout the world. COVID has contributed to teaching us about ourselves, our friends, family and everyone else.

Numerous personalities and characteristics have been displayed for all the world to see during these challenging times. Family and friends have generously offered to share essential items, which they didn’t stockpile, such as toilet paper, hand sanitiser, rice, pasta and disinfectant wipes. 

Neighbours have offered to share, and keep an eye out on what each other needed. I know a nurse who purchased toilet paper and placed it in her work kitchen for all her colleagues to take as needed. All this thoughtfulness shows the generosity of spirit and I’m so grateful that I have people like that in my life.

Faith and Trust

What’s amazing about the generous offers to share essential items in these challenging times is the trust and faith that people had that there would be sufficient supplies available when they needed the items they kindly offered to share.

These people are what I also know as ‘outies’. This means they think externally. They think of others outside themselves, and their own wants and needs.

How did you react during the initial stages of these challenging times? How do you react during testing times in general? What goes around comes around, so feel free to share, and you’ll be rewarded for sure.






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1. Teach your kids to share, or give away their things – to share toys, to give away clothes they have outgrown, to donate and give to those less fortunate. Let them know that everyone needs help at some stage during their life and if they are in a position to give.

2. Talk to children about values and materialism.

3. Discuss what charity is with your child and how some people need help through difficult times and others use it to their advantage.


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Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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