Character of the Week

Honour – Living Ethically

28 September - 4 October 2020

Honour – Living Ethically

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Honour is living ethically by your own ideals. You have a set of values and you practice honour by living ethically according to your set of values.

When you value things you put a high worth on them. What you value may or may not be materialistic, or could be a combination of both.

Words are spelt differently depending on who taught you and where you lived. For example honour and honor or jail and gaol. Practising honour is living according to a set of morals and standards that you have set for yourself. Set them high, and be realistic also.

An example of honour

Recently, I watched a two-part document, about Lindy Chamberlain. Lindy was wrongly convicted of murdering her baby daughter. This event happened about 40 years ago in Australia.

Lindy is an Australian woman who later re-married, and moved to America. The example of honour that struck me (other than Lindy herself) was the witnesses. There were more than half a dozen people, who were all strangers to her at the time of the event, whom she nows considers ‘family’. All because they honoured truth and justice and lived it.

Due to the Australian culture at the time, these strangers suffered greatly, because they supported Lindy in her innocent plea. One lady even lost her job because of her association with the event. They were there. These individuals knew right from wrong and stood up for truth and justice and continued to fight for a virtual stranger. Standing up for truth and justice is what these witnesses did regardless of the hardship they endured, 

Judgement vs facts

Honour is doing what’s right. These witnesses didn’t judge her, unlike the majority of Australia. They knew the facts, they were there at the time. Somehow the judicial system didn’t look at all the facts.

Some people value power, control and ego. Because Lindy didn’t behave according to how some people thought she should, they perceive her as a murderer. Some people still continue to believe she is guilty even after the facts came to light and supported her original claim of innocence.

People in positions of power have lots of control. Using control for personal agendas and wanting people to view you in a way that you view yourself can result in a person willing to do lots of damage to others for their own selfish reasons.

Selfish behaviour doesn’t serve the greater community, ever. Sometimes things are crystal clear but people are not willing to look at the facts. Be honourable, value what is best for the majority and act accordingly. Everyone has hard of BS, right? Belief Systems. What do you believe? Where does it come from Where did that judgement come from? Be careful of what you believe. Truth is the foundation to stand on.

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1. Discuss behaviour your child observes and discuss right from wrong.

2. Talk to children about the importance of being honest and discuss consequences of being honest and not being honest.

3. Tell a story about honest – for example ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’.


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Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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