Hope – thoughts and actions

Hope – thoughts and actions

19-25 November 2018

Hope is the result of thoughts and actions combined. Every thought is an idea that has the potential to become so much more than just a thought. What you imagine can become a reality if you have the motivation and optimism to make it happen.

Every problem has a solution and when you share your concerns and idealistic resolution with others who also share your vision and solve the problem at the core rather than focus on a quick-fix band-aid solution then you are likely to receive the encouragement you need to maintain your motivation.

We all have hope for the future of what we want the future to be – for ourselves, for our children and for our grandchildren and generations to come – for humanity.

Hope is more than just a thought, it requires action. Every invention started with a thought – ships, airplanes, cars, mobile phones, television, wi-fi – technology is advancing rapidly and there are many people creating wonderful products to make our lives easier.

Our hope is that many individuals will focus on one character quality each week and help each other live their love and reach our own individual unique potential by strengthening themselves each week and inspiring others to do the same.

We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change.
Small actions, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.
– Howard Zinn

You grow, strengthen and transform every day of your life. In order to be the best version of you that you can be allow this weekly ‘character quality’ to serve as a gentle reminder of who you really are and who you want to become. Be the best person you can be, encourage and inspire others to do the same. This is how you leave your blueprint in the world.

Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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