Character of the Week

Love is the core of everything

6-12 July 2020

Love is the core of everything

What love means

Love is the core of everything. It is an emotion that when asked, everyone would have a different explanation for because we all have different experiences of it.

Love is deep, vast and comes with a lot of other emotions. Putting your loved ones first is what some would say is an example of love. The problem with that is that this is what people who end up in domestic violence situations do. 

Love begins with you. When you respect yourself, you love yourself. You look after you first so you can look after your loved ones. If your tank isn’t full, how can you care for others?

Sometimes you may not know what love is, but you do know what love isn’t. There are times in life when you aren’t sure of what you do want, but you know what you do not want.

You do not want to be disrespected, and it begins with you loving you, and not allowing others to mistreat you. Love yourself, regardless of how others feel about you, that’s their story, not yours.

When love and hate collide

There is a saying that states there a fine line between love and hate. It’s a mighty strong, passionate feeling when you feel hate for the person you love. Watch your words and your actions.

Love is at the core of everything. Looking within is the answer as it’s never about the other person, it’s about you. Do you love yourself? Why do you feel the passion that you do? What are your beliefs behind it?

Nobody can make you feel the immense love for another person that you feel. And nobody can make you feel the depth of hatred either.

It’s within you and it’s something that needs understanding. For the sake of you as well as your loved one. 

Every relationship, including the one with yourself, goes through challenging times. For some strange reason, we humans hurt those we love the most.

When love breaks down

Breakdowns happen. Some things can be fixed therefore breakdowns don’t necessarily mean throwing away something of value.

A great place to start is just practising courtesy and respect. Treating people the way you’d like to be treated is the beginning of getting back on track.

When you don’t get what you want, you put it down to experience. Life is full of experiences. Experiences are educational. Learn from them.

The future is where you are going to live so leave the past in the best position you possibly can.

Regardless of the outcome of your relationship, it is crucial for everyone who is impacted to feel valued.

Love Card

“Small acts when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world”

Tips for raising kids
  • Show – show a child you love them, hugs if appropriate, tell them.
  • Ask – children what they love about themselves as well as others (use specific names), ask them how they can tell that you love them.
  • Discuss – ask them how love is shown and what it means. It’s interesting to see what they have to say and gives great opportunities to teach them about the importance of self-love.
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Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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