Character Building Weekly

Serenity – Security in Community

24 February - 1 March 2020

Serenity – Security in Community

What is serenity?

Serenity is having a sense of security in your community. When you feel that all is well in your world you have a feeling of serenity, you are calm, and there is a sense of peace with what is happening in your realm which contributes to a sense of serenity. There is inner calmness and a feeling of composure within you.

Who is in your community?

You belong to many communities – various family groups, interest groups, business groups, different groups of friends, your workplace. You belong to more groups than you may realise. Do you feel secure in all groups? Who are the leaders in your community and do they inspire you to be a better person, and if so is it through inspiration or domination?  

Foundational communities

The central communities that lay the foundations for our future are homes, childcare centres and schools. Currently, in Australia, we have a culture of bullying, which is the basis for domestic violence. In America, we have a culture of child anxiety due to the potential of school shootings.

Change is needed. Our children are not feeling a sense of serenity when they are spending the majority of their days in places where they do not feel secure and comfortable. Our children are more likely to be feeling inner turmoil and confusion because the primary role models in their lives – their parents, childcare educators & teachers – are at a loss as to who to fix this.

Return to basics

Every problem has a solution. Call me old fashioned, but I have noticed recently that many children rarely say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ recently. What’s that got to do with bullying and school shootings? To me, it’s all connected. Teaching courtesy is a character trait which teaches an attitude of gratitude.

I watched a YouTube clip recently where a father was disciplining his daughter who bullied others on the school bus. The bus company banned her from travelling on the bus for a set time. Her father followed her in his car while she walked to school. He stated his daughter had an attitude of entitlement, and when informing her dad that she was suspended, she said he would have to drive her to school. He wanted to teach her that getting driven to school, and other places, is a privilege, not a right. He also tried to explain to her that bullying is not acceptable.

Teaching children about courtesy, respect, acceptance, responsibility, kindness, discipline and justice as well as many other characteristics helps to guide their behaviour. We all feel a sense of serenity when there is security and stability in our lives regardless of our age which is why it is essential to continually be mindful of one characteristic a week which helps you to grow intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. 

The balance of serenity

Having trust and faith that all is well in the world, or will be can provide a false sense of security. When things happen that you are not comfortable with then action is required. Sometimes a sense of serenity needs to be replaced with courage and confidence in taking the necessary action to create a world that you are proud to be part of and as always the bigger picture has many small components. You are one of those components and so is everybody else so while on your journey to create a better world for you, me and everybody else treat all with kindness – always be kind, be kind, be kind.

Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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