
Where Service Matters Most

Throughout the world, where does service matter most? Parenting is where service matters most.

For that reason, have you ever thought of yourself as living and being of service to your children?

According to the dictionary, the meaning of ‘service’ is ‘work done by one person or group that benefits another’ and, or ‘an act of help or assistance’.

Being a parent is a 24-hour service undertaken for the rest of your life. If that’s not providing assistance or being of benefit, I don’t know what is.

You serve your child by providing food and shelter for them, preparing meals, washing their clothes and making their bed.

Additionally, you also buy them toys and other worldly goods because you want to keep them happy.

You’re also your child’s role model for what a grown-up person does and how an adult acts.

As well as that you’re their educator, caregiver, the person who provides safe boundaries and guidance.

You teach them about love and how to get along with others.

You see their strengths and weaknesses and help them discover what you see in them.

What you do as a parent is endless. A bit like the 24-hour cycle. You keep going and going, from one day to the next.

Before you know it, your child is no longer at your apron strings (so to speak). You hope that you have helped them spread their wings and learn to fly on their own. Solo.

Your child heads to school with the assurance of your love.

However, they will soon realize that not everyone shares the same affection.

They may not feel as cherished among peers as they do with you.

Some may even intend to, or inadvertently, cause them harm.

As a parent, where service matters most is empowering your child.

Because your child benefits when they love themselves for who they are and feel confident in your love and acceptance of them.

For example, if you point out to them their positive character qualities, they’ll start to learn about character traits. They will put those attributes into action in appropriate situations.

Generally, positive features acknowledged within themself will make them feel good about themself. They will either learn to love themselves or maintain self-love.

Consequently, when others degrade your child or attempt to make them feel degraded, they will have a stronger resilience than someone who isn’t as self-aware.

In other words, where service matters most is helping your child feel good about themselves.

With this in mind when they leave your nest, albeit briefly, and fly solo, they can stand up and defend themselves because they know about values.

With that result in mind, they are more likely to befriend someone who has similar values to themselves.

Lastly, if you’d like to know more, you can book up to a 30-minute chat with me here.

Service - Where Service Matters Most
Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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