Character of the Week

Trustworthiness – why it’s important

5-12 October 2020

Trustworthiness – why it’s important

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Why is trustworthiness important? People need to trust other people. When you say you’ll keep a secret, promise, or keep your word it reflects on you.

As a person, it impacts on how much others trust you. Regardless of your roles in life, it’s really important.

Like everything in life, there will be reasons when you can’t keep your word as things may happen that prevent you from doing so. There’s a difference between excuses and reasons.

What does trustworthiness mean?

It means being trustworthy. Being worthy of the trust that someone places in you for whatever reason.

If you share a secret with someone, you’d like to think they were trustworthy and keep your secret by not sharing it with others.

Placing trust in a person is a compliment you give to that person, whether they realise it or not. People don’t tend to share things with people they don’t trust.

Trust and trustworthiness – what’s the difference?

Trust is when you place trust in someone. Trustworthiness is when they live up to the trust that you placed in them.

For example, if you told me something about you that you didn’t want others to know, then you would be placing trust in me. By now sharing your information with others I would be worthy of your trust, therefore trustworthy.

Of course, some situations don’t fit into these categories if it involves harming people in any way, including yourself. Live according to your integrity and know that it’s all about your pure intention.

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1. Discuss with your kids the importance of being trustworthy and keeping promises they make.

2. Story time – read the story of ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ and talk to your child/ren about the story and how all choices have consequences.

3. Advise your child the difference between trust and trustworthiness and that being trustworthy is important except when it comes to someone who wants to hurt themselves or others.


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Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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