
Where Vision Meets Reality

The festive season is here again, and at this time, many people have hope and create plans for the upcoming new year.

After all, a new year is a new beginning.

Visions float through our heads of what the following year will be like, but where does vision meet reality?

Imagination is beautiful as it allows you to dream of what could be. Also, I’ve heard that whatever you can visualise is possible.

However, vision means nothing if there is no adjoining action to make your vision a reality.

For example, although I may visualise a lovely garden, if I don’t take the necessary action to look after it and tend to it, it could be the opposite of my vision and become overgrown and unattractive.

Vision meets reality when action aligns with a vision. That is where vision meets reality.

Everyone has dreams of what they want in their future. It could be a simple dream or an extravagant goal.

Some visions require a few simple steps, and bigger dreams may call for a leap of faith.

What I love about vision is that it creates a purpose.

We all need a purpose – something to live for and strive to achieve.

However, only some people need or want to be the next Bill Gates.

Many people opt for a simpler life and prefer to enjoy treasured moments with family and friends.

Consequently, they create good times and happy memories to reflect on.  Additionally, they surround themselves with people who are special to them and bring joy to their lives.

Each person has a desire to experience positive feelings, and what brings about happy feelings varies uniquely, akin to our fingerprints.

As a parent, you can watch, encourage and inspire your child to live their dream.

Talk to your child about their drawing, what they are trying to build with their Lego set or how they feel when they dance and sing.

Find out what fuels them and help them explore the stepping stones they need to take to achieve whatever their heart desires.

Children need role models to watch and follow, always. Because it is the end and start of a new year, it is an excellent opportunity to create a family vision board for the upcoming year.

You can do this in numerous ways, such as creating individual and family vision boards.

Some people like to do drawings; others prefer to make a list.

Everyone is unique.

Firstly, you could begin with some inspiration and an example of a big dream someone had. William Kamkwamba’s vision became a book and a movie – ‘The Book Who Harnessed The Wind’.

Secondly, you could check out his brief TED Talks, William gave his first TED Talk at age 19 and his second one at age 22.

William’s family, village and country suffered hardship and suffering.

For that reason, William wondered what he could do to make life better for everyone.

At that time, William was 14 years old when his vision met reality.

Due to William having a dream about wanting to make life better for himself and all those around him, his thoughts become a vision.

He took action to make his vision a reality and has created a better life for himself, his family, village and country. How inspiring is that!!

Nevertheless, William’s story is inspirational for everyone, and it’s also a life lesson about overcoming challenges and hardship.

If your vision involves creating the family you envisage and you want to know about my online parenting program, book yourself in for a chat with me to find out more here.

Vision - Where Vision Meets Reality
Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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