
Nurturing Curiosity and Imagination

Parents can help their children learn about wonder as they nurture their curiosity and imagination.

Just the creation of a child fills a parent with wonder – as do so many other things in our wonderful wonderous world.

Witnessing your child’s first ‘Wow!’ moments, you know they have embarked on a journey into the realm of wonder.

They’ve just noticed something exceptional, unique, or exquisite that has caused them to have a magical feeling in the pit of their stomachs that just blew their mind or took their breath away for a moment.

As a child, most, if not all of us, were captivated whenever we saw a rainbow and would wonder where it started and finished, and were also curious about why we never arrived at the end of the rainbow and collected the pot of gold that was supposedly at the end of every rainbow.

Children ask many questions in their toddler years. Why is this a common and constant question that seems never-ending?

Wonder - Nurturing Curiosity and Imagination

During their early years children learn so much about the world around them and those within it. They are naturally inquisitive, and their desire to explore and learn can lay the foundation for a love of lifelong learning.

There are numerous benefits to raising a child who is aware of ‘wonder’ – some of these are:

1. Joy – a child who is aware of wonder finds joy in simple experiences, which enhance their overall sense of well-being.
2. Motivation – a curious child may develop a sense of responsibility to contribute to making the world a better place, and be inspired to seek solutions to problems they notice.
3. Emotional Well-being – When children experience wonder it often leads to emotions such as joy, awe and gratitude. Positive emotions are beneficial to their mental health.

Children also feel a sense of belonging, stability and security when they know what’s happening around them.

As a parent, you have the superpower to foster their sense of wonder – and it starts with nature.

Take them on adventures to national parks, go camping, and dig in the garden to discover the wonders of worms and the magic of growing plants.

But don’t forget the power of imagination!

Engage them with ‘what if’ questions, and you’ll unravel their creativity while discovering where they need guidance and support.

Parenting with wonder is a rewarding journey of exploration, nurturing your child’s innate curiosity, and unleashing their limitless imagination.

Embrace the magic of their wonder-filled world, and you’ll witness the wonders in your own life too!

Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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