Character of the Week

Diligence – why diligence is important

30 March 2020 - 5 April 2020

Diligence – why diligence is important

Practising diligence is important when you want to achieve something, whether it be big or small. Whatever your purpose, do it well, with care and close attention if needed.

Diligence is the road to excellence

Being committed to your goal is a sign of diligent. The result is constantly in your mind. You have a purpose and are on a mission to achieve your purpose.

There are times when you know what you want, but you don’t know how to get there. Excellence doesn’t mean doing it all on your own, and it means doing your best to get there.

That also includes asking for help when you need it. Have others done what you want to do? Follow in their footsteps and better still, wisely learn from their mistakes.

Self-discipline required

You often need to call on your self-discipline. Negative thoughts or beliefs can stop you from practising diligence. Self-discipline is a mental activity as well as a physical activity. When you have a negative idea going on in your head that is stopping you from achieving whatever it is you want to, you must do something to stop it.

Firstly recognise it, acknowledge it. Then replace it with a more positive thought. Remove can’t and replace it with can. Ask yourself how? Creative ideas come into your head when you ask yourself this question – you’ll be surprised!

You always have the answer within you even if the answer is to ask for help. When you become more self-aware, you’ll know what is holding you back, and that includes you. That’s usually the answer.

Giving your best

Be diligent and focus on the result you want and take the appropriate action to get there. When you are falling off the track by getting side-tracked with emails, social media, a phone call, a desire to do another activity you need to be mindful of this. Keep going back to what you want to do, and you will finish it. You won’t finish anything you a) don’t start or b) keep procrastinating on. 

You can achieve anything

When you are diligent, you will be focussed and mindful of when your attention to your task falls to the wayside; the more self-aware you are, the quicker you will realise it and get back on track.

Not only do you have to be diligent to achieve the result you want you also need to be diligent in your self-monitoring so you can do what is necessary for you to feel good – that includes being kind to yourself and others along the way.

Practising diligence is important when you want to achieve something, whether it be big or small. Whatever your purpose, do it well, with care and close attention if needed.

Diligence is the road to excellence

Being committed to your goal is a sign of diligent. The result is continuously in your mind. You have a purpose and are on a mission to achieve your objective.

There are times when you know what you want, but you don’t know how to get there. Excellence doesn’t mean doing it all on your own, and it means doing your best to get there.

That also includes asking for help when you need it. Have others done what you want to do? Follow in their footsteps and better still, wisely learn from their mistakes.

Self-discipline required

You often need to call on your self-discipline. Negative thoughts or beliefs can stop you from practising diligence. Self-discipline is a mental activity as well as a physical activity. When you have a negative idea going on in your head that is stopping you from achieving whatever it is you want to, you must do something to stop it.

Firstly recognise it, acknowledge it. Then replace it with a more positive thought. Remove can’t and replace it with can. Ask yourself how? Creative ideas come into your head when you ask yourself this question – you’ll be surprised!

You always have the answer within you even if the answer is to ask for help. When you become more self-aware, you’ll know what is holding you back, and that includes you. That’s usually the answer.

Giving your best

Be diligent and focus on the result you want and take the appropriate action to get there. When you are falling off the track by getting side-tracked with emails, social media, a phone call, a desire to do another activity, you need to be mindful of this.

Keep going back to what you want to do, and you will finish it. You won’t finish anything you a) don’t start or b) keep procrastinating on. 

You can achieve anything

When you are diligent, you will be focussed and mindful of when your attention to your task falls to the wayside; the more self-aware you are, the quicker you will realise it and get back on track.

Not only do you have to be diligent to achieve the result you want you also need to be diligent in your self-monitoring so you can do what is necessary for you to feel good – that includes being kind to yourself and others along the way.

Not only do you have to be diligent to achieve the result you want you also need to be diligent in your self-monitoring so you can do what is necessary for you to feel good – that includes being kind to yourself and others along the way.

Why diligence is important
Trish Corbett

Trish is the author of 'How to Raise Kids With Integrity - for parents, childcare educators and teachers' and blogs about a characteristic each week so that the main role models in a child's life can help children grow with self-awareness and self-confidence so they can make a positive difference in their world by recognizing and acknowledging character qualities in themselves and others. This works for adults too! Try it - sign up for a weekly email.

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